Who Create the Quest

The creation of quests in CEREAL Planet is carried out by different entities: Sponsors (Universities, F&B, Educational Institutions), the CEREAL Team, and Study Clubs.

Sponsors, driven by their specific objectives, generate Sponsor Quests. They have the authority to define the content, completion criteria, and participant requirements for these quests. The costs associated with rewarding users with $CEP, NFTs, and Scholarship Points upon quest completion are covered by the Sponsor. A portion of the payment made is deducted as a quest creation fee. Sponsors can also include specific SBTs within quest boxes, ensuring that only users possessing these SBTs can participate in and receive rewards for the quest box.

The CEREAL Team creates Main Quests with the goal of expanding and activating the ecosystem. Main Quests are open for participation by all users, and the costs related to rewarding $CEP, NFTs, and Scholarship Points are covered by the CEREAL Team.

Study Clubs, on the other hand, create Club Quests that are exclusive to their club members. Club members define quest goals and generate quests accordingly. Participants pay a participation fee of $CEP to join and engage in these quests. Upon completing the quests, participants receive the participation fee back in $CEP along with bonus $CEP. Part of the participation fee may be deducted as a quest creation fee.

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