Who is Dain Leaders

Dain Leaders, the overarching operator of CEREAL, is a specialized Edutech company primarily targeting the education and public sectors. They pioneered the development of an e-portfolio system called 'Career PASS,' which manages all the records and activities of university students from admission to graduation. Over a span of 13 years, they have built solutions for 120 universities in South Korea, including prestigious institutions like Seoul National University, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Hanyang University, and Dongguk University.

Recognized for their technological expertise and specialization, through several government-supported projects and R&D projects that applied new technologies, including a blockchain-based international student digital certificate management platform and a metaverse-based career avatar platform. In 2018, they launched 'DoDreamChain,' a blockchain-based platform for managing digital certificates of overseas students and providing various matching services in areas like education, housing, and employment. This initiative solidified their position as a next-generation education platform.

To expand the ecosystem of DoDreamChain, they have ventured into the NFT and metaverse fields by developing the 'Campus World' platform based on the metaverse. Furthermore, they have expanded their business domain by becoming the exclusive metaverse specialization partner for Unity in the education and public sectors. Unity is a world-leading platform in real-time 3D content creation and growth, particularly in the education and public sectors.

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